
Weighted Wonders - Weighted & Warmable Dragon Plush

Created by Roamin' Bison Workshop

With tons of stretch goals, lots of color variants, there is a dragon for everyone with our newest weighted plush line - Weighted Wonders!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke Test and Backer Surveys
2 days ago – Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 08:16:43 AM

I know everyone is anxious about the Backer Surveys, but with 8,000 of you, we are needing to be far more careful about the set up and that is taking time.

Yesterday I had the Pledge Manager reviewed by BackerKit staff, they found some issues, and I am working on fixing those today. 

I am hoping that I can get out the "Smoke Test" today, which is when 5% of all surveys are sent out in order to get a read on if anything is wrong with the survey that can be caught before it is sent out to the 95%.

With a project this large, organization is everything and I rather be deliberate than fast.
Making even minor mistakes can cause a butterfly effect affecting other parts of the project, or simply cost money and/or time that could be used more effectively on other parts of the project (or, ya know, just being alive aha)

I thank you for your patience and promise I am working every day on one, two, or half dozen aspects of the project to keep everything moving and on schedule :)

Pastel Rainbow Dragon Final Prototype + Warmable Wonder Zipper Revision
5 days ago – Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 01:23:29 PM

There were some slight revisions done on the Pastel Rainbow Dragon that included the following;

-Silver/Gray belly lines instead of black to not be so stark against the white
-Wing claw that had been accidentally turned around was righted
-Embroidery of facial expression and nose/eyes added. Miscommunication about printing on previous example

Warmable Wonders revision across all color variants that are quality of life improvements, will be a zipper in the belly to remove the heatable/freezable element so that the shell of the dragon can be washed as normal in a laundry machine and the bag can be replaced if necessary over time.

These changes were implemented based on feedback from ya'll and after some consultation with our manufacturing partner.

Zipper has been purposely mostly hidden beneath fur overhang so that it will NOT make contact with skin when the dragon is in use.


Transactions are still being processed
via Stripe and the Backer Surveys are still being finalized, which is taking more time than previously mentioned due to both the bank holidays at the beginning of the month and the sheer volume of money moving through Stripe.  

Everything is still moving on schedule and I'm just trying to get the Backer Surveys to be the best and most accurate they can be so there is no confusion or panic because of a mistake or misstroke of the keyboard.  I know everyone is very excited to get their surveys - believe me, so am I - but taking our time right now to get everything 100% will save both you and I headaches in the long run!!!

Thank you all again for your support and kindness as we head into the new year!!

REJOICE! The Bold Rainbow Dragon!!!
8 days ago – Sat, Jan 04, 2025 at 10:24:53 AM

I feel like calling them 'Brite Rainbow Dragon' since now it reminds me of Lite-Brite aha!

Look at them!!  

Sparkly! ✨

Colorful! 🌈

Perfect!! ✅

Now we are waiting on Golden Dragon and the finals of Wittles and all their color variations as well as final look and feel for Warmables, but it's all happening quick and smooth!

To reiterate again, Backer Surveys are going out next week (January 6th/7th 2025) for everyone to submit their shipping addresses + pick their colors/choices + purchase any add-ons + change any pledge levels.

Small Update - Bold Rainbow Mini Preview, Backer Survey Coming
9 days ago – Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 01:06:03 PM

A lot of transactions are still processing/fixed and the funds are still moving through Stripe to get to my account, but in the meantimeeee

Just a lil show of the embroidery on the Bold Rainbow Dragon's face and Behind the Scenes work to show off here~~

The Backer Surveys are going under review ASAP and then they'll be sent out, latest date, on the 7th once the full BackerKit team are back in office and able to make sure everything on the boring backend if 100% so that no mistakes are made en masse.  

That would be :') Frustrating :') but the boring backend stuff is what makes a smooth Backer Survey/Pledge Manager experience for you all so I appreciate the patience in the meantime as the dusts clears for us.

Also, have a cleaned up rasterization of the filigree pattern of the Gold Dragon to prepare for vectorization that an embroidery machine will use on the final fabric of the Gold Dragon :)

Campaign is Over! NEXT STEPS!
11 days ago – Wed, Jan 01, 2025 at 11:50:44 AM

A housekeeping update on the dawn of the new year!

Here are some frequently asked questions I've been seeing to help clear up what the next few days will look like as the dust clears.

When will Backer Surveys be sent out?

By the end of the week into the start of next week (Beginning of January 2025). 

The delay is to make certain everything is neat and tidy on the backend and is given a thorough review by BackerKit staff before sending out thousands of emails to you all! 

BackerKit Staff are not back into the office until tomorrow (January 2nd), so we will take our time as the dust settles with card transactions and Pledge Manager set up so you have the smoothest experience possible!

When will prototypes of recent color unlocks (Bold Rainbow, Gold, etc) and final look for Warmable Wonders and Wittles be shown?

All of them are currently being finalized by our manufacturer and will be revealed the moment they are finished.  

This will not happen all at once as prototypes tend to be finished on a variable schedule.  No one has to lock in their final color choices until MUCH later down the road.  We take a semi final count for production reasons shortly after the majority of Surveys are submitted, but always have more than enough units of any particular variant to accommodate changes to choices down the line.

When will shipping invoices for international backers be received?

This will take a lil more time and there is no rush for this, as those postage costs do not need to be covered until fulfillment begins.  

The reason for this taking time is I have to, mostly manually, calculate the cost for each international backer and then submit that invoice to each international backer.  I promise to do this in a timely fashion, but there is no rush in the next few weeks to pay these costs off as we focus on submitting for production and getting all that in order.

I had an issue with my credit card/payment method. What do I do?

These will be resolved in the coming days as we come out of bank holidays and BackerKit comes back into the office to help out with any transaction issues.  

Please keep note of your inbox to help us resolve any issues in a timely fashion if something should come up.

Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding as we begin to roll into the next phase of the campaign!!!